Congratulations! You're auto loan is almost paid off… now what?
Paying off your loan is a great feeling, but what comes next? We are here to help you navigate through the next steps of what to expect as you approach the end of your auto loan journey and beyond.
As you continue to make your payments, you’ll see your loan balance decrease until you’ve paid it off. Your last payment may look a little different. It is usually less than your normal amount and sometimes can go beyond the end of your loan. Remember, you can use the value of your vehicle and access cash or trade it in for something new.
Still have more road trips to take? Check out your warranty for coverage. Depending on your specific warranty, you may have coverage that goes beyond the life of your loan.
Have you arrived at your destination and you’re ready to waive that title in the air? What a wonderful feeling! Take it all in and enjoy. As soon as your loan gets paid off, we get right to work in providing you and/or your local DMV offices the information needed to update your vehicle’s title. Since states have different processes, we've provided some frequently asked questions and answers below. Or, schedule an appointment with a Partners representative for assistance.